How to support your immune health naturally?

We live in a stressed world. No doubt we have a stressed body. Should we be supporting our immune system by creating a stress response to build antibodies?

A vaccine creates an inflammatory response in the body to create antibodies to build immunity. If the body is already dealing with inflammation, then you are adding to the stress in the body. With the rise in antibiotics resistance, the rise in ‘super-bugs’ and ‘super-viruses’, I would like to encourage everyone to be supporting their immune system naturally.

Our immune system is not just about building antibodies (as in with a vaccine) but it is about the efficiency of our neural messengers, our stores of nutrients which support our immune health; especially the antioxidants. It’s about the integrity of our gut health, our inflammatory response, our efficiency of detoxification and our ability to repair, recover and rejuvenate. Don’t be fooled into thinking your immune health relies on one response but support the many needs your body has to rebalance and recover.

Our immune health starts with us.

How we take care of ourselves, how we nourish and nurture ourselves. What we put on our plate, bowl, in our cup. What is in our environment, how we live our lives on a daily basis; are we stressed, getting enough sleep, are there moments in our day where we take a pause, a moment of calm? Do we actually create a safe place for our own body and mind or are we triggering our nervous system to go to stress mode, again and again and not giving it the time, the space, the peace to come back to calm, to come back to safety, to come home?

This is the third blog in my immune series. If you would like to support your immune health naturally then I would encourage you read them here: Do You Have A Weak Immune System? and Could You Be Sabotaging Your Immune Resilience?

So how do we support our immune health naturally?

First of all I wanted to share some natural support in strengthening your immune resilience and then I am going to share what I have in my natural first aid kit to bring in that support when the immune system comes under attack. I would like to think we can get most of our nutritional needs from eating a healthy diet; if our digestive health is working well for us but there are some supplements that I do think are beneficial taking on a regular basis. There are my favourite immune supports.


This powerful antioxidant is a ‘must’ as a support for our immune health. I would suggest the need of it on a daily basis for most people, regardless of the season, because it is such a wonderful support for our body under stress. And we are all feeling a bit stressed right? Our body can only absorb about 1000mg of vitamin C at a time, as it is water soluble, a higher dose can trigger the bowels and you may get diarrhoea. I would suggest at least one dose of 1000mg of vitamin C a day - but for many people I would increase this dose, depending on their lifestyle.

Absorption of vitamin C declines with age and is depleted by aspirin, stress, the contraceptive pill and illness. Good food sources include tomatoes, watercress, peppers, broccoli, lemons, fresh fruit and vegetables (which also contain bioflavanoids, which enhances the effect of vitamin C). As we get most of our vitamin C from raw fruit and vegetables we may not be getting as much vitamin C as we think at this time of year as we tend to eat more cooked foods.


Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin. But closer studies have now shown it to have a chemical structure like a steroid hormone. (This is why it is so essential to check your vitamin D levels if you suffer with an autoimmune condition) The majority of vitamin D is made in our skin when it is exposed to sunlight. We can get small amounts from our diet; from mushrooms, oily fish, egg yolk and beef liver but our needs are greater than our consumption, especially if we are vegan. So I would encourage everyone to take Vitamin D3 with K2 supplementation from October to March (during the darker months here in the UK) as you are less able to make Vitamin D from sunshine.

Taking a vitamin D supplement has been proven to reduce the risk of infection by as much as 28%. Researchers at John Hopskins University discovered that it can also lower the chance of dying from Covid by 33%. Vitamin D supplementation has also been shown to reduce the risk of colds and flu, as it supports your innate immunity. It is worth getting your vitamin D levels checked so you have an idea of your individual needs and what dosage you should be taking. Medichecks offer a vitamin D at-home test kit for a very reasonable price but you may be able to request a vitamin D test from your GP. Taking Vitamin D with K2 is beneficial for healthy bones. Vitamin D helps us to absorb calcium and K2 helps to make sure that calcium is deposited where it needs to be in the bones and not elsewhere such as the arteries.


Zinc helps in the protection and repair of DNA, it boosts the immune system, makes insulin and can help to balance hormones through its role in making prostaglandins from essential fatty acids. We need a daily amount of zinc at 15mg and it is well used in the body for many cellular functions, including supporting stress and mental health. Supplementation really depends on someones lifestyle needs but for an immune support, I would recommend everyone cover their basic daily needs. Therapeutic doses of a higher dose should be considered for anyone with hormonal imbalance, autoimmune conditions or mental health needs or under daily stress.

It is depleted by: stress, alcohol, smoking, stress, caffeine, by some medications; such as diuretics, steroids and particularly hormonal medications and the absorption of zinc from our food is affected by alcohol, parasites and other digestive issues. Good food sources include pumpkin seeds, oysters, brazil nuts, oats, egg yolk, rye.


I have already written about how the good bacteria in our gut play a key role in our immune system. But should we all be taking a probiotic supplement to support our immune health? Research in the USA have shown that taking a probiotic may actually shorten the length of a cold or flu infection. The researchers observed that those taking  probiotics experienced colds that lasted an average of 4 days, as opposed to 6 in the placebo group. The probiotic group also experienced a 34% reduction in cold symptom severity. I recommend OptiBac probiotics.

(Jespersen L. et al., (2015), ‘Effect of Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei, L. casei 431® on immune response to influenza vaccination and upper respiratory tract infections in healthy adult volunteers: a randomized, double- blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study’. Am.J.Clin.Nutr., 101:1188-1196.)


Bursting with antioxidants and vitamins elderberry is well-known for packing an immune-boosting punch. It is widely used during the winter months to help ward off and ease colds and flus, and has a delicious, fruity flavour. I particularly like drinking it as a herbal tea or I love Immunity tonic from Urban Fringe.

Please note that some herbal remedies can interact with medication so a note of caution here and please seek advice from a naturopath or herbalist to check for contraindications against any medication you are taking.

Other lifestyle supports to strengthen your immune resilience:

  • Support your gut health. A healthy digestive system is essential in supporting our immune health. You might like to read my blog:  Is Your Digestion Affecting Your Health?  

  • Plant focused diet - rich in antioxidants which support our immune resilience as well as full of gut nourishing fibre. You might like to read my blog: Why Being Plant-Focused Shouldn’t Just Be for January

  • Eat fermented foods to nourish you gut microbiome, such as kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut and miso.

  • Ensure regular and quality sleep.

  • Support stress through yoga, nature walks, tai chi, mindfulness or meditation, creative hobbies, exercise.

  • Breathe through your nose instead of your mouth. Studies have actually shown that oxygen can actually destroy bad bacterial cells, even cancer cells and they are using oxygen therapy in hospitals to reduce inflammation for those suffering with inflammatory diseases. Check out BreathGal for more breathwork tips.

  • Reduce alcohol which can suppress the immune system making us more vulnerable for infection.

  • Address any underlying bacterial or viral infections as well as fungal infections (do you have recurring cystitis, thrush, fungal nail infection, dandruff, psoriasis, etc) which will all already be compromising your immune system. (if you think you need support in addressing an underlying infection then it is worth booking a consultation with me and I can support you)

So you might be doing all the right things and supporting your immune health naturally and still come up against some nasty bug or virus that your body needs to deal with. That’s completely natural and actually contact with various bugs and viruses is a helpful way to build up our own immune resilience. It is what you do when your body is under viral attack that can be the driving force on how well and how quickly you recover.

Do you support it? Or do you mask it with pain killers and take ‘cold medication’ chock full of caffeine to ‘keep you going’ or do you honour your body while it is under a viral or bacterial attack and support how it efficiently clears it from your system?

Germs love a dark, moist environment, so the worst thing you can do, especially if you feel like you’re about to come down with a cold, is to hole up in a dark room! Allowing your lymphatic system - containing your infection-fighting white blood cells, to stagnate will encourage those bad boys to increase. So actually, at the first sign of feeling like your immune system is compromised, go outside for a walk, take lots of deep breaths and although rest is essential for healing, so is gentle exercise to keep the lymphatic system and circulation moving to encourage the movement of disease. Dry body brushing, hot and cold showering and also massage are great ways to stimulate the lymphatic system too.

My Favourite Natural First Aid Supports

First of all it is important to note that this advice is not in place of medical care. If symptoms persist then do speak to your Doctor.


It is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, antiseptic and a very good cleanser and steriliser. And is my choice instead of antibiotics. I often recommend it to clients if there is signs of any kind of infection in the body. You can take it internally as well as used externally.

Colloidal Silver is the suspension of sub-microscopic silver nanoparticles in purified water that your body is easily able to absorb. Silver is naturally found in food and water. Silver has been used historically for hundreds of years and  has many uses. It was very popular before the advent of antibiotics.  and was widely used in medicine. Many medical device companies still coat their devices with silver to prevent bacterial biofilms. Hospitals even used to use silver nitrate eyedrops on newborn babies to prevent gonorrhea infections to the eye. Many studies show the effectiveness of silver solutions, silver gauze, or silver complexed with other antimicrobials in the hospitals to treat burn wounds. Dosage is approximately 1-2 teaspoons a day and I would advise only taking it up to a maximum of 7 days before having a break. Usually symptoms will improve or resolve in just a few days and if they don’t then it would be advisable to seek medical advice.

It can be sprayed into the mouth for sore throats or ulcers. It can be sprayed onto the skin or on to the vagina for candida. You can soak some cotton and stick into the ear for ear ache or infections. Or soaked on a cotton pad to soothe sore inflamed eyes. For cuts just spray onto the area after cleaning and then cover to prevent infections. It can also be used on acne, either rub a soaked cotton pad over the affected area or mix some colloidal silver with coconut oil to use as a lotion on the face. As I said it is very versatile.

I get mine from Active Silver.


The renown nutritionist Patrick Halford, recommends macro-dosing vitamin c, in order to support the body’s fight against a viral or bacterial infection. In fact, there are quite a few studies of the use of high dose intravenous vitamin C in the recovery of covid 19. Taking high doses of vitamin C can really speed up recovery from infection. Depending on what kind of infection you are fighting off, you can increase the amount of vitamin C, for a short period, to up to about 8000mg a day. As vitamin C is water soluble your body can not tolerate high doses in one go. You can work out your tolerance with the bowel tolerance test - basically taking too high a dose of vitamin C will give you loose bowels. As most people can tolerate 1000mg of vitamin C in one go, I always advise for them to split the dose across the day. I am inclined to suggest you take 1000mg - 4 times a day, increasing to - 6 times if still feeling unwell and increase to - 8 times if you really need it. Patrick Halford calls it chasing the infection by continually having a high dose of this powerful antioxidant in your blood stream throughout the day.

I buy my Vitamin C from BioCare (When you open a new account with BioCare you can use my Practitioner code P7913 and get 10% off any of their supplements)


Apple cider vinegar is a wonderful tonic for the liver and very alkalising in the body. I find drinking half a table spoon in hot water - which you could have on its own or mixed with lemon juice and a little honey or maple syrup - is a wonderful medicinal tonic when you feel unwell. It will be one of the first things I reach for. It is naturally antibacterial and if you get an organic one with the ‘mother’ in, it is contains natural healthy bacteria.

I like the Aspall Raw Organic Apple Cyder Vinegar


This is my new favourite immune-supporting discovery while studying Ayurvedic Therapy. This incredible nutritive jam is a wonderful source of antioxidants; including Vitamin C and is traditionally used in Ayurveda for rejuvenation. It helps to tone and nourish the body as well as strengthen immunity by supporting the body’s natural ability to produce haemoglobin and white blood cells. And it tastes deliciously sweet and children love it. I’d recommend a teaspoon a day particularly during the busy days around Christmas or when you feel under the weather. It can literally be taken from the spoon or a dollop added to porridge is also delightful. I found it particularly therapeutic while recovering from Covid earlier in the year.

I buy Ayurveda Pura Chyawanprash


The mushrooms reishi, lions mane, shiitake and chaga are all super rich in antioxidants and are also known as immune regulators. You can get these in a tincture or in supplement form but you can also make a wonderful coffee type drink using a powdered blend of seven medicinal mushrooms wit hot water and plant milk.

I buy mine from Sevenhills or Indigo Herbs.


This incredible blend of supportive essential oils from doTerra is an amazing immune support. Containing cinnamon, wild orange, eucalyptus, rosemary and clove oils, it smells divine but also has wonderful immune supporting benefits. It can be used as a protection against pathogens, making it an essential to take while you are travelling or know when you will be amongst crowds and more susceptible to different bugs. It is ideal to use around the busy sociable time during the festive season. It is also a great oil to diffuse in the your home when you feel unwell. Or I use the roller ball and rub around your neck or on the souls of you feet, across your chest and down your spine. I also love the OnGuard beadlets which I keep in my handbag and take if I’m out shopping or on a train or even going to the cinema.


Mullein herbal medicine is a favourite support when there is lots of mucus. It has demulcent, expectorant and astringent properties, as well as being naturally antibacterial. Beneficial for coughs, as it helps to break down the mucus congestion, as well as having anti-inflammatory properties, it can soothe and heal any inflammation in the mucosal lining. Also beneficial for sinus issues or ear aches.

I buy mine from Indigo Herbs.

Targeting bad bacteria with antibacterial foods and tonics will help clear pathogens and allow the good bacteria to thrive. You could use herbs like oregano and thyme, spices like cinnamon and turmeric and garlic in your cooking, which are all naturally anti-bacterial. My favourites are:

  • Garlic

  • Oregano

  • Thyme

  • Coconut Oil

  • Turmeric

  • Cinnamon

  • Ginger

My go to Homeopathic remedies

  • Bella donna - which is the best remedy for high fevers

  • Aconite - as it is fantastic for nipping a cold in the bud

  • Gelsemium - is great for flu

  • Arsenicum - is good for mucus

  • Pulsatilla -for when you get the aches with a flu

  • Natrum mur - is good for a runny nose or sneezing.

    I bought a kit with all of these remedies and more from Helios Homeopathy or even better you can get an individual homeopathic remedy kit made up for your personal needs from the lovely Melissa Hills at Bransgore Homeopathy.

My Favourite tonics

These recipes are all from Tonics and Tea by Rachel de Thample

  • Medicinal Turmeric, almond milk and cardamon smoothie

Blend 1 thumb-size piece of peeled turmeric with 100ml of coconut milk and the ground seeds from 1 cardamon pod.

  • Winter brew for coughs and bugs

2 sprigs of fresh rosemary, 2 sprigs of fresh thyme, 3 sage leaves, 1 large sprig of parsley and 200ml of freshly boiled water. Allow to brew for 10 mins.

  • Tom Yum Tea

1 lemon, 1 garlic clove, 2cm fresh ginger, pinch of cayenne pepper, 200ml boiled water and 1/2 tsp-1tsp of raw honey or maple syrup.

Strip the lemon zest with a peeler and put into your mug, squeeze in the juice of the lemon. Peel and grate the garlic and ginger and add the cayenne and stir in your chosen sweetener.

Favourite immune supporting herbal teas

Having these in your natural first aid kit ready for when you need it is really helpful. Build your reserves, support your immune resistance pathways. Reduce inflammation and give your body what it needs to repair. Be prepared with a natural first aid kit to start supporting yourself when you feel your body is responding to a pathogen and your immune resilience will be strong.

If you think your immune system needs a helping hand then do consider booking in for a personal consultation to get to the root cause of what is weakening your immune system and learn how to build your own personal tool kit to support your immune health, reduce inflammation and bring your body back into balance.


Health Hacks For The Festive Season


Could you be sabotaging your immune resilience?