15 tips for a naturally healthy summer

Natural health, healthy summer, books on a beach

Whether you are going to get away-away, or you are going to have a stay-cation, then these tips may help you to get through the summer naturally and with ease.

  1. It's worth boosting your antioxidants to help with sun damage like high dose Vitamin C, or use a superfood rich in Vitamin C like baobab or Camu Camu. Blueberries and blackberries and goji berries are also excellent sources of antioxidants and watermelons contain lypogene which helps prevent sun damage.

  2. Sun cream is a must, but a lot of suncreams are packed with chemicals. Switch to a mineral sun cream which provides a physical barrier against the harmful rays from the sun without all the damaging chemicals. My favourite brands are: Up Circle, The Green People and Madara. I am also currently trying out Salt & Stone but I will have to report back on that one. The website Naturismo has a great selection of suncreams. I LOVE the Madara Plant Stem Cell Age Defying Sunscreen SPF30 as it is nicely tinted and gives skin a natural finish without having to wear make-up on top and they also do a factor 50 too.

  3. Taking a B vitamin Complex that includes vitamin B1 is great for preventing insect bites. Also local Bee pollen is also affective at warding off nibbly insects. And it will naturally help your histamine levels stopping you from being sensitive to local pollens. Neem capsules are also an effective insect repellent or diffusing citronella oil (I find the citronella candles aren’t strong enough to deter the biters or you can use Neals Yard Citronella Spray. If you do get bitten then lavender oil is very soothing. If you are looking for an insect repellent to put on skin then Flawless Khakibos Insect repellent might be worth a try.

  4. Great things to add to your juices and smoothies during these hot days would be cucumber, watermelon, celery, lime, pomegranates, raspberries, strawberries, mint and parsley. Why not make a delicious and refreshing mix with the watermelon, cucumber, mint and lime together?

  5. When we travel our immune system can get compromised, not just from mixing with lots of different people, going to new environments, travelling on planes or trains but also sometimes we can be very stressed leading up to a holiday trying to get everything organised before going away. Stress has a very negative impact on our immune system. But falling ill while on holiday is not what you need. So strengthen your immune system with vitamin C, Zinc and probiotics. 

  6. If you suffer with allergies then ensure you are not dehydrated. When our body is dehydrated it puts on a stress alert and our histamine levels increase. So make sure you keep hydrated. Other natural antihistamines are nettles, liquorice, elderflower and also reishi mushrooms.

  7. If it's prickly heat that is your bane on holiday then it's worth doing some prepping at least two week beforehand. Drink plenty of carrot juice which is rich in beta carotene or you can take beta carotene in capsules. Aloe vera gel can be very soothing for prickly heat and the Homeopathic remedy Apis maybe helpful.

  8. Lavender and tea tree essential oils are always in my little holistic first aid kit, perfect for itchy bites, rashes and sores. Lavender is so soothing and relaxing so it can help with travel anxiety and it helps with jet-lag too. Both these oils are naturally anti-bacterial too.

  9. If you often suffer with diarrhoea on holiday or get an upset tummy from something you have eaten, then it might be worth taking the probiotic saccharomyces bollardii with you as this particular strain of good bacteria can be very supportive at reducing diarrhoea symptoms. Coconut water is so rich in essential electrolytes that it is great if you are suffering with sickness or diarrhoea at hydrating the body naturally.

  10. If you’re like me and looking on the pale side but want the confidence that you get with a natural glow then you might want to consider a fake tan. Now there are loads of toxic ones on the market but these 3 are my favourite: Evolve Sunless Glow Body Lotion for building up a natural tan. Balance Me Tanning drops that you can add to your usual face cream to gradually build up a natural glow. If you want a quicker result then try Madara FAKE IT Natural Look Self Tan Milk.

  11. Keep well hydrated when you’re travelling. Bring your own refillable water bottle and a flask to ask for some warm water and bring your own selection of herbal teas. Ginger tea is good for stoking your digestive fire. Our digestion always goes a bit out of balance when we travel so ginger will really help to improve that sluggish-ness. Ginger is also great for nausea if you get a bit travel sick. I also bring some chamomile tea bags in my case which is such a lovely calming tea, helps to settle your sleep but also soothes upset tummies as it is anti-spasmodic.

  12. Take extra care in hydrating your skin before and while you are away. Doing a daily massage with coconut oil would be so beneficial for your skin and stimulating to your lymphatic system too. Coconut oil is cooling to our system, as well as nourishing to our skin. It is also really nourishing to your hair. I like to rub in some coconut oil to the ends of my hair when I am spending a day on the beach and in the sea. Aloe Vera gel is cooling, soothing and calming for the skin, so great for soothing your skin after a day in the sun. It is naturally anti-inflammatory too so great if you get sun burnt.

  13. I like adding some oil (either coconut oil or ghee) and lavender oil into my nostrils before I travel. This helps to protect my air ways from pathogens circulating in the plane. Lavender is naturally antibacterial as well as calming to the nervous system so helpful for those flight nerves. It is also great for soothing sunburn or insect bites.  I also love DoTerra On Guard beadlets, a combination of essential oils that are naturally protective to the immune system.

  14. Our digestion can be affected by travelling and being away from home, leaving us feeling heavy and bloated. The Ayurvedic remedy Triphala is great for regulating your digestion and ensuring you don’t get too sluggish. Take the remedy, which comes in capsule form or powder, before bed.

  15. I love the Bach Rescue Remedy and always have that in my bag when I am travelling to help calm the nervous system. It is also an effective remedy for jet lag. 

Happy holidays Rhi x


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